Eat the frog with a Pomodoro

Muhammad Humayun
1 min readJan 1, 2021

The frog here symbolizes the distraction that create while doing some activity. And the tomato means by using timer so that we can do our work with flow.

Now the goal here is to overcome procrastination by using this Pomodoro technique.

I am a very unproductive and lazy person when it comes to doing activity or managing time. I find it difficult to work on things which are long term commitments. So I tried this Pomodoro technique to do my tasks.

The task I chose to complete my Machine learning assignment which was difficult though, so I put the timer on and started working! After few minutes the phone notification disturbed me and I went on checking the phone and when the timer rang I realised I was doing a task! Crazy I know.

So now I started the timer again and did the task but now I turned off my phone. The timer rang and For 25minutes straight I was working! And I can’t tell I was so amazed by this technique that it worked so I rewarded myself in watching a 5minutes youtube video on cars which actually turned into half hour break. I know I am very I don’t know.

Well I tried this technique until I completed my assignment and used the timer on reward too. This whole process made me realise two very important things.

  1. I can accomplish more with this technique and will try doing it in my life everyday.
  2. I am bad in Machine learning.

